Scientific Publications
FreqAI: generalizing adaptive modeling for chaotic time-series market forecasts

Robert Alexander Caulk, Elin Törnquist, Matthias Voppichler, Andrew R. Lawless, Ryan McMullan, Wagner Costa Santos, Timothy C. Pogue, Johan van der Vlugt, Stefan P. Gehring, and Pascal Schmidt
Journal of Open Source Software, Volume 7(80) (2022), 4864, 10.21105/joss.04864

Melissa: coordinating large-scale ensemble runs for deep learning and sensitivity analyses

Marc Schouler, Robert Alexander Caulk, Lucas T. Meyer, Bruno Raffin, et al.
Journal of Open Source Software, Volume 8(86) (2023), 5291, 10.21105/joss.05291

Training Deep Surrogate Models with Large Scale Online Learning

Lucas T. Meyer, Marc Schouler, Robert Alexander Caulk, Alejandro Ribes, and Bruno Raffin
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023. 10.48550/arXiv.2306.16133

High Throughput Training of Deep Surrogates from Large Ensemble Runs

Lucas T. Meyer, Marc Schouler, Robert Alexander Caulk, Alejandro Ribes, and Bruno Raffin
Supercomputing 2023 (SC23). 10.1145/3581784.3607083

Comparing open-source DEM frameworks for simulations of common bulk processes

Maksym Dosta, D Andre, Vasileios Angelidakis, Robert Alexander Caulk, et al.
Computer Physics Communications 2024,

Calcul distribué MPI pour la dynamique de systèmes particulaires (MPI distributed computing for dynamic particulate systems)

Bruno Chareyre, Robert Alexander Caulk, William Chevremont, Thomas Guntz, François Kneib, Deepak Kunhappen, Jean Pourroy
Yade Technical Archive (2019)

Accelerating Yade’s poromechanical coupling with matrix factorization reuse, parallel task management, and GPU computing

Robert Alexander Caulk, Emanuele Catalano, and Bruno Chareyre
Computer Physics Communications, Volume 248 (2020), 106991, doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2019.106991

A pore-scale thermo–hydro-mechanical model for particulate systems

Robert Caulk, Luc Scholtès, Marek Krzaczek, and Bruno Chareyre
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 372 (2020), 113292, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2020.113292

Blog posts
Engineering Transparency in the News with GenAI Download presentation as pdf

Robert Alexander Caulk, and Elin Törnquist
GenAI Zürich, 2024-05-28

Multilingual narrative tracking in the news - real-time experiments Download presentation as pdf

Robert Alexander Caulk, and Elin Törnquist
Unstructured Data in LLMs, hosted by Zilliz, 2024-05-07

Production-scale Context Engineering for Real-Time News Distillation

Robert Alexander Caulk
Qdrant Vector Space Talks, 2024-02-21

Production-scale Retrieval Augmented Generation for Real-Time News Distillation

Robert Alexander Caulk, and Elin Törnquist
Grenoble Data Science Meet-up, Grenoble, 2024-01-18

Driving adaptive modeling with data science

Robert Alexander Caulk, and Elin Törnquist
Data Science Guest Lecture, Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2022-11-21