Re-imagning how news is consumed
The transparency focused news oracle, trusted by humans and LLMs alike

AskNews is Emergent Methods' flagship project, the new-age News API. AskNews provides state of the art retrieval for thousands of LLM applications, boasting 1st place in the Context Is King benchmark. Our clients leverage our world class research on entity extraction and graph entity relationship extraction to ground their LLMs with fast, accurate, real-time, and trusted news knowledge.

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Redefining the standard for news APIs
The AskNews API is widely considered the most feature rich news API available, boasting state of the art real-time event forecasts, the largest explorable news knowledge graph on the planet, and the highest retrieval accuracy of any competitor. This is just the beginning, AskNews is setting the stage for building the foundation of the future of knowledge structuring, evidenced by the abundance of products already available:

  • ๐Ÿ“ฐ /news: Natural language, low-latency, prompt-optimized, endpoint. Ready to be the news-context link in your LLM chain.
  • ๐Ÿ“– /stories: Get the hottest topics currently circulating in the news-sphere. Track sentiment, coverage, source origin, through time. Benefit from state-of-the-art clustering and custom written stories based on human-in-the-loop editorial.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฌ /chat: News infused assistant, interact with it like any other OpenAI model.
  • ๐Ÿ”ฎ /forecast: Make any news-related forecast imaginable with our in-house model, [Voir](, based on rich temporal context and SOTA LLMs.
  • ๐Ÿ•ธ /graph: Explore the largest news knowledge graph on the planet using natural language queries combined with ultra-flexible filters.
  • ๐Ÿ‘„ /reddit: Search Reddit live, get fully structured and GPT-summarized results - ready to contextualize your LLM.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ /analytics: AskNews analytics on financial assets and politics.
  • ๐Ÿ”Ž /sources: Review the distribution of sources underpinning AskNews for any given period of time.
  • ๐Ÿ”— /langchain: Use AskNews as a LangChain retriever or tool.

Leading with transparency and trust research
Emergent Methods is unlike other news APIs, we focus on a transparency-first approach, building trust one news story at a time. We are commonly invited to speak on on our methods and philosophies surrounding news distribution in an LLM era. We are fully EU Artificial Intelligence Act Compliant, and are commonly presenting on ways to extend the EU AI Act to improve news distribution mechanisms. Our software remains firmly open-source, our methods, protocols, and biases are all posted so that our clients and users know exactly how their data source is delivering sensitive news data to their LLMs. Some of our top research, like our state of the art narrative tracking, supports our custom editorial that hundreds of thousands of readers consume on a daily basis.
Trusted by the next generation of LLM applications
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Easy orchestration of heterogeneous workflows
Large-scale adaptive modeling in real-time

Flowdapt is an Emergent Methods project for large-scale adaptive modeling challenges. It is highly adaptable to handle customized workflows (plug-ins) in parallelized environments. And the best part, is that Flowdapt is fully open-source

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Distributed compute
Flowdapt is for large-scale cluster orchestration, particularly well suited for real-time adaptive modeling. The design principles of Flowdapt include:
  • ๐Ÿšฒ Highly parallelized compute efficiency
  • ๐Ÿค– Automatic resource management and sharing
  • ๐Ÿž Rapid (local) prototyping and debuggability
  • ๐Ÿ”Œ Intuitive cluster-wide data sharing methods
  • โฑ Easy scheduling for real-time applications
  • ๐Ÿ“ Intuitive configuration and live configurability
  • ๐Ÿšš Deployment cycle efficiency
  • ๐Ÿ”ฌ Micro-service-first design
  • ๐Ÿ•ธ Kubernetes-style schema and behavior
  • ๐Ÿš€ Vanilla Python, swap effortlessly between Ray, Dask, or Local executors
Customizable plug-ins

Flowdapt is built to adopt any application that may require high-level orchestration of compute-heavy libraries (i.e. PyTorch) as well as cluster microservices. Some of the most notable plug-ins include:

  • AskNews: a contextualized, on-premise, user-specific LLM deployment based on Llama2. AskNews summarizes and indexes all the latest news so that you can ask natural language questions and get and up-to-date distillation of information with hyperlinks and article titles to all the related news sources.

  • Nowcast: a weather forecasting plug-in designed to provide short-term hyper-local forecasts for hundreds of cities simultaneously. The plug-in collects new meteorological data as it becomes avaialable and retrains models if their performance "drifts."

  • CryptoCast: a cryptocurrency market forecast plug-in designed to provide a highly modifiable interface for per-asset model building/updating.

  • AskArxiv: a contextualized, on-premise LLM deployment that summarizes and indexes all the latest ArXiv articles. Users can ask natural language questions about the latest academic breakthroughs.

Generalizing adaptive-modeling of chaotic market forecasts
Real-time adaptive modeling for finance

FreqAI is an open-source project that allows for time-series forecasting via established machine learning algorithms, such as Reinforcement Learning, Decision Trees, and Neural Networks.
Built in Python, the core engine allows users to connect any open-source machine learning or data analysis library to create a custom system for adaptive modeling. We currently provide 18 pre-configured prediction models for XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Stable Baselines.

DISCLAIMER FreqAI has gained such a strong reputation in the open-source machine learning community that it has become a target of imposter projects aimed at using the FreqAI name to offer cryptocurrencies. FreqAI is not affiliated with any cryptocurrency offerings. FreqAI is, and always will be, a not-for-profit, open-source project. FreqAI does not have a crypto token, FreqAI does not sell signals, and FreqAI does not have a domain besides the freqtrade documentation Please beware of imposter projects, and help us by reporting them to the official FreqAI discord server.

100% Open Source

Thanks to the open-source community, FreqAI is a robust and well documented software that has been vetted by thousands of users and has more than 15 unique developer contributors.
The community of active users help report bugs and contribute to the FreqAI discord server being an interactive knowledge base with 10k+ posts.
The core engine is, and will always remain, open-source.

Innovative Algorithmic Techniques

The FreqAI core engine facilitates agile development of custom machine learning workflows.
We provide industry standard outlier detection methods together with novel data metrics, and allow for use of any available data manipulation tool whilst ensuring statistically safe data handling.

Adding coherence to the SKLearn pipeline
A Python library for complex data pipelines

DataSieve is an Emergent Methods tool designed to add key features to the SKLearn pipeline, including:

  • • A variety of custom transforms (Dissimilarity Index, SVM outlier extractor, etc.)
  • • Outlier removal across your X, y, and sample weights arrays according to simple or complex criteria.
  • • Feature column removal based on arbitrary criteria (e.g., low variance features.)
  • • Feature column name changes for certain transformations (e.g., PCA.)
  • • Outlier classification without removal.
  • • Backend customization for parallelization (e.g., Dask, Ray, loky, etc.)

DataSieve is deployed in a variety of adaptive-modeling softwares such as FreqAI and Flowdapt.

Modern configuration handling
Reducing friction between configuration and code

Manifest is an Emergent Methods tool designed to improve the flexibility of the python software configuration process. Manifest allows you to:

  • • Define custom models to validate your configurations.
  • • Load configurations from a variety of sources, such as environment variables, JSON files, YAML files, or TOML files.
  • • Instantiate Python objects directly from your configurations.
  • • Leverage dynamic configurations through expressions.
  • • Easily serialize and deserialize Manifests based on file extensions.

Manifest is deployed in Flowdapt.

Abstracting low-level LLM processes
An LLM abstraction library providing high-level objects for complex thought strategies

DeepThought is an Emergent Methods library designed to help us easily manipulate high-level LLM abstractions. The library is in active development and it includes:

  • • Industry standard Tree of Thought, Chain of Thought, and Meta Prompting strategies.
  • • Experimental thought strategies.
  • • High-level abstractions on long-term/short-term memory adaptation.
  • • Adding Flowdapt workflow execution capabilities to LLM thought processes.

Scaling via consensus
A library geared toward efficiently scaling applications that need consensus algorithms.

Adrift is an Emergent Methods tool designed to more efficiently scale duplicate services in need of consensus. The library is in active development and it includes:

  • • Industry standard consensus algorithms.
  • • Experimental consensus algorithms geared toward improved efficiency.

Creating stunning art with neural networks
High-Resolution Algorithmic Art

JaiRevAI is a style-transfer software based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). High-resolution style-transfer is achieved by optimizing the โ€œpixel distanceโ€ between a content image and a style image. JaiRevAI boasts a variety of unique image-handling methods that do not exist anywhere else in the industry. These novel techniques yield stunning ultra-high resolution print-worth imagery that has earned its place hanging in art galleries as well as in numerous homes around the world.

Unique implementation for unique designs

The JaiRevAI software generates unmatched ultra-high-detail textures and colors and allows for stunning and unique style generation.
60+ demonstration pieces, ranging from landscapes to person portraits, are available at

Featured at the M.A.D.S. Art Gallery

Apart from gracing the walls of numerous clients, the art pieces โ€˜Les Fleurs Perduesโ€™ were displayed at the M.A.D.S. Art Gallery as part of the 2021 โ€˜Romantica Exhibitionโ€™ in Milan, Italy.